D - Diversity

D-Diversity (DM1): Teacher candidates understand that diversity differences (i.e., race, gender, ethnicity, culture, exceptionalities, individual differences, etc.) affect learning and, know how to provide educational opportunities that meet the needs of all students (TEAC Q.1.2, Q. 1.3; INTASC 2, 3, 4, 9).

Rational: I wrote this paper in my EDUC 1010 Foundations and Introduction to Education Spring 2009. This is one of many papers that I wrote addressing individual differences, ethnicity, race, culture and exceptionalities. In this particular paper I specifically address how the sociocultural customs affect parent involvement st school; the characteristics and issues that occur with parents and siblings of children with disabilities, and the support systems that are available to them. This paper proves that I understand how diversity differences can affect learning and that I am sensitive to the needs of all students. My knowledge shows that I am able to meet the needs of a diverse group of students.

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Rational: I wrote this paper on different learning styles in my EDUC 2400 Multicultural and Exceptionalities class in the summer of 2010. This paper addresses how students differ in their approaches to learning and how a teacher can create instructional opportunities that will support their individual intellectual, social, and personal development. I discuss the two camps of ability grouping: between-class and within-class, the needs of gifted and talented students, and the benefits of inclusion and multidisciplinary collaboration between groups. This paper proves that I understand the importance of understanding students' different learning styles and how that can affect learning. My knowledge shows that I am able to meet the needs of a diverse groups of students.

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